Watch the video below for a full set up and game play breakdown of Battle Bosses!


Click on the video above to watch a full video breakdown and “how to play” for the classic Battle Bosses Tournament mode! For the full rule book. Including Arena mode click the link below!


There are many ways to play Battle Bosses! And people are coming up with new ways to play every day! Here are some of our favorite examples of how to set up for build-your-own Arena Mode and some 3 or 4 player Battle Royale, including some tiles from the terrain pack. If you have any cool custom setups or alternate game modes, we would love to hear about it! Email us at or find us on Twitter @battlebosses!


The Battle Bosses deluxe box comes with everything you need to play Arena mode including a double sided board with bases, spawn points, and neutral monster spawns with the wave 1 neurtal monster collection for 2v2 or 3v3 MOBA-inspired team play. But hat doesn’t mean you cant play Arena mode with everything you have included with 4 individual boss boxes!

Arena Mode Basic can be set up with any 4 bosses uses the back and front side of the tiles.

Below is a set of photo’s to help guide the recommend set up. Using the double sided feature of each land tile, you are able to lay them out in a way that shows the different zones needed to create the Fog-Of-War effect, Boss spawning area, and bases in Arena mode.

Battle Bosses Arena Mode

Arena Basic Set Up

Arena Basic: with Zones Highlighted

Arena Basic detailed break down.

See the Battle Bosses Deluxe rules PDF for info on how to play Arena Mode. The Battle Bosses Arena expansion is avaialble now to preorder on the shop! The Arena expansion will be shipping in Spring 2022 and will include the map tiles necessary for the full Arena Mode game along with some all new neutral monsters!

You can also buy the double sided Neoprene Arena Map on the Kess Shop that includes both 2v2 and 3v3 Arena Mode maps here!

Battle Bosses Battle Royale allows players to take advantage of the modular aspects of the Battle Boss game system in an all out battle until only 1 boss remains! 3 players, 4 players, 5 players or more. Mix and match land tiles from different bosses to create a ton of different board configurations.
Here are a few options for 3 player Battle Royale layouts that create some fun dynamics like the triangle shapes Triforce Battle Royal, with 7 tile long line of sights for ranged fights and maximum mobility, or try the multiple Void zones and corners to hide from opposing bosses, in the Snow Flake Battle Royale map.

Triforce Battle Royale

Snow Flake Battle Royale

The Battle Bosses Terrain pack adds 16 double sided terrain tiles each with special abilities! These allow for some awesome customization features, allowing players to create their own game modes! The example below is of a 4 player map in what we call the “Thunder-Dome” formation which is taking advantage of the Terrain Tiles in a Battle Royale format! This modifies different spaces, giving power ups or negative effects to bosses that stand in them and forcing bosses in the center space to battle it out for powerful upgrades!

Thunder Dome Battle Royale with Terrain Pack upgrades

The Terrain Pack also allows to create randomized maps, spawn points for bosses and monsters for custom Arena mode setups. The Terrain Pack is available now in the Kess Shop!